
Osain Sandro Dragoj Rozdelano 11

Price: 880 EUR, 910 USD, 740 GBP

Technique: ink drawing
Size: 297 × 210 mm (the size is approximate; it is larger than A4)
Date: 10.2.2016
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Origin and meaning of the work

Osain is one of several illustrations for Veronika Šulcová created during the period in which she was working on her book project Santería. The topic of this artwork is another orisha, this one according to legend being a deformed magical child.

The myths about deformities being brought about by magical forces and about their miraculousness are known all over the world. Legends claiming them to be the devil’s work or attributing sanctity to the suffering they case are not the only interpretations. The psychoanalytic tradition often mentioned of magical dreams or illusions as a way to substitute reality, compensate for and displace unpleasant events. This can frequently bring about unpleasant consequences, since problem avoidance and unhealthy compensation mark the personality and distort it. A new trend in the subject of real miracles is beginning to emerge on the current wave of scientific progress, arising from some scientists who deal with the quantum theory. Their ideas are by no means new. In fact, they are almost archaic when emphasizing the position of spirit over matter.


Technically, this is a most typical ink drawing, a classical one meaning working with a metal tip dipped in a bottle of ink. I take special pleasure in the never-ending hatching process. Here, enthusiasm is almost a bridge to obsession. That’s how fond I am of certain art techniques. Handmade paper was used as the base material, although in my experience it is not most suitable for ink drawing. Normally, heavy weight papers with smooth and very resistant surface are the best. Nonetheless, despite the difficulties of work, the non-adherent and sometimes excessively absorbent surface of handmade papers has one great advantage. The resulting work gains a special charm and atmosphere, unique for this paper as long as you don’t purchase the paper from a manufacturer who fills their product with nonsense such as onion skins and other crap suitable only for throwing down the abyss as a sacrifice to the dark gods.

Previews of the work in progress

Use of the work

So far this work has not become legendary – apart from its use as a book illustration and its inclusion in exhibition openings, it has not found a specific home base yet. We shall see how the future treats it. It is currently available for sale to potential clients.

Artwork in mounting

editing: Arianne Perrier
web design: Brbla

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