
Oja Santeria Sandro Dragoj

Price: 1 060 EUR, 1 100 USD, 880 GBP

Technique: colored ink drawing
Size: 297 × 210 mm
Date: 2015
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Bitcoin, Bitcoin CASH, Ethereum, Litecoin, XRP, Cardano, EOS, Tezos, Aave, Maker, Dash, Zcash, MANA, Augur.

Origin and description of the work

This is an illustration for the book by Veronika Šulcová called Santería. According to the legend, Oyá is an orisha perceived as the guardian of cemeteries, the mistress of storms and winds, and the mistress of the market, who hears everything. If you are interested a more in-depth description of the Oyá archetype, I highly recommend reading the book. The same applies to this entire religious direction.

In this drawing, I decided to feature my typical hatching and applied my passion for detail. As a result, you can look for the tiniest tombstones in the hair intertwined with their cemetery, of which Oyá is supposed to be the guardian. Legend has it that she likes to hold her own skull, with which she sometimes scares her husband. Naturally, this detail could not be left out from my artwork.

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editing: Arianne Perrier
web design: Brbla

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