
Ozun Sandro Dragoj

Price: 1 060 EUR, 1 100 USD, 880 GBP

Technique: Brilliantis precursor on handmade paper
Size: 297 × 210 mm (the size is approximate; it is larger than A4)
Date: 2016
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Part of the story about creation of the new technique

Ozun was one of the illustrations for Veronika Šulcova during the time of accumulation of art material for her next book, this time about Santería instead of Voodoo. Her resulting work reached an academic level of quality, so I am hereby paying tribute to her.

As an artist, I am somewhat unstoppable, and can relatively easily get bored with the same topic or rendition. I love my own boredom because that’s when I start creating something new. At that point I had been intuitively thinking about incorporating oil into my pen and ink drawings for a long time. It took a while to admit it to myself and make the commitment – until then I usually only ventured into small experiments. This is one of them. The coloring is done mostly in ink, with only minor additions of oil primarily for the cadmium tones.

Preview of the drawing process in the black and white stage

More previews of the work

editing: Arianne Perrier
web design: Brbla

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