Technique: oil painting
Size: 707 × 500 mm
Date: 9.5.2015
The painting was appraised by an expert with court jurisdiction of the Ústí nad Labem region of the Czech Republic.
Artwork in mounting

I’m so perfect that nothing is valuable except for me
The artwork is a depiction of the narcissistic psychological disorder with nihilistic overtones. Narcissism is characterized by exaggerated love for one’s surface personality, while the inner side of the narcissist cries and suffers. The excessive nihilism is, in turn, recognizable by the persistent notion of meaninglessness and insignificance of absolutely everything, including life itself, beauty, noble acts, and so on. This artwork thus captures a combination of these two mental phenomena. The here narcissist despises everything except their own appearance and bearing. No one is allowed judge them, because in the narcissistic person’s eyes anyone else is just a meaningless “nobody”. This disorder is also marked an insatiable hunger for admiration both from self and from other people, pseudo-friends, whom the narcissist sees only as tools and sources of the “unavoidable” admiration.
Documentation of the work progress

editing: Arianne Perrier
web design: Brbla