The Absinthe Fairies is a double artwork intended as one set. They have atypical dimensions and share the same mounting.
Technique: colored ink drawing
Size: 1000 × 100 mm
Date: 2017
Artwork in mounting

Absinthe Fairies in mounting

Artwork during an exhibition at Dark Velvet café bar
History and origin
The work Absinthe Fairies was created for the purpose of decorating the interior of Dark Velvet café bar These drawings became the basis for the establishment’s window covers. Creating and implementing a design in my rendition means getting a full-fledged solution, which I shall elaborate to the fullest.
Gallery with photographs of the Dark Velvet café bar windows

Photograph taken during a party

Models at Dark Velvet café bar posing for a composition with the Absinthe Fairies

A model made up as an Absinthe Fairy in front of Dark Velvet café bar

Completion of installation of the Absinthe Fairies covers

Dark Velvet café bar from the outside
Specific requirements
Apart from the atypical size adapted to the café bar’s windows, there were also specific requirements given by the owner of the place, Mr. Petr Homůlka, aimed at keeping an adequate extent of nudity. Therefore, some body parts are covered with leaves, and I had to moderate myself in some ideas. Another requirement was for the works to feature grace and absinthe-inspired atmosphere.
Details of the artworks and work in progress

Pure ink drawing in black

Partially colored ink drawing

Progression from colorization with colored ink

Detail of the work – a fairy sitting on an absinthe glass

Detail of the work – a fairy with an exposed breast

Detail of the work – a fairy with the absinthe dragon
Another of the experimental precursors to the Brilliantis technique
The artworks are made mostly with ink, including their colorization. However, here I already started my first experiments with adding oil paints, although only white color and only on a part of the painting. I was still hesitating whether applying oil pigments would be beneficial and technically feasible for my future style. I was not sure whether taking this path made sense. It took me a while to fully commit.
editing: Arianne Perrier
web design: Brbla