
Lucifer Sandro Dragoj Web

Technique: Brilliantis
Size: 148 × 210 mm
Date: 14.5.2019
Commission art

Story of the artwork and its origin

Lucifer was the third portrayed entity of the collection of four (Leviathan, Satan, Lucifer, and Belial) commissioned by an anonymous client of the Satanist faith with atypical requirements. The entire collection was to be rendered using the most prestigious Brilliantis technique, which I worked hard to develop over the years.

Lucifer as a dragon!

I never slack on my work, but the truth here is that the theme of Lucifer and his portrayal as a cosmic dragon was especially interesting, and I enjoyed this task euphorically. It can be seen in the number of details and the artwork’s dense atmosphere, which I worked thoroughly on.

Details of the artwork

Why is the theme of Lucifer so dear to my heart?

In Lucifer, I see the archetype of the Lightbearer, the eternal and stubborn innovator who gives people knowledge while breaking down old dysfunctional mechanisms. I see in him a free thinker and inventor of sorts who, contrary to the claims of the Catholic church, is a humanitarian and thus reminiscent of Prometheus, who was unjustly punished for his compassion for the beings in need of a chance for self-development. He is a symbol of freedom, individualism, scientific progress, and contempt for violence enforced by authority. This makes him a demonized rebel, which is understood when done by perhaps the largest centralized religious organization which has led countless ideological wars, witchcraft and inquisition trials, faced numerous accusations of pedophilia, enforced doctrinization from a very early age, condemned progressive thinkers such as Galileo, and participated in destruction of the Knights Templar, stigmatization of Darwinism and rejection of scientific methods in general.

Lucifer in black only

Before the whole artwork was colorized, fulfilling the potential of the Brilliantis technique, I created a detailed pen drawing. This is one of the possible approaches.

editing: Arianne Perrier
web design: Brbla

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