Hel the Goddess

Sandro Dragoj Bohyně Hel

Technique: graphite and pen drawing
Size: 594 × 420 mm
Date: 7.12.2011

Origin and history of the work

Creating the second depiction of the goddess of death Hel took me almost a year, and the work on it began even before the handover of the first depiction (which, coincidentally, was my first oil painting ever). A big thank you here goes to Tereza Lehečková, who served as a living model for this almost abstract representation of the Old Norse goddess. The artwork afterwards went to my cousin as an expression of my gratitude for his repeated graphic assistance and of family affection.

From the technical point of view, this artwork is a graphite and pen drawing. The differences can be seen in the darker parts of the work.

Preview of the artwork in mounting

editing: Arianne Perrier
web design: Brbla

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