Technique: oil painting
Size: 707 × 500 mm
Date: 2011
Origin and history of the work
This first completed oil painting of mine was created as a donation for the now defunct civic association Dávný Obyčej (the Old Custom), which wanted to give the painting as a present to the writer Raven Kalder. He had been invited to the Czech Republic to lecture on the pagan lineage called Rökr. This oil painting of the goddess of death Hel is now supposed to be in his private collection.
Goddess of Death Hel
Hel is the Scandinavian goddess of storms and of the underworld called Helheim awaiting those who are wasting away, weak, dying from disease – all those who are unable to live out their lives heroically and die in dignity. According to tradition, Helheim is a frozen world of silent suffering, from which Helja departs on her three-legged horse when it’s time to fetch new souls.
editing: Arianne Perrier
web design: Brbla