Foxy Girl

Foxy Girl Sandro Dragoj Brilliantis

Price: 1 770 EUR, 1 830 USD, 1 470 GBP

Technique: Brilliantis
Size: 420 × 297 mm
Date: 16.12.2018 An exceptional extra adjustment: 2021

My first Brilliantis

Brilliantis is the result of many years of experimentation with artistic techniques, usually going against the established academic conventions, through which I opposed technical stereotypes to the point of controversy. Put oil on paper. Apply ink on dried glaze. Use graphite or aquarelle for a preliminary drawing and then forcibly paint over it. I literally raged at what I was taught in school and how counterproductive it turned out to be. A good master doesn’t warp and deform his students according to his views and ideologies. A good master merely offers them advice and a helping hand in a process where the students themselves want to reach a certain level, without them being forced, bullied, or otherwise pressured.

Once I had become sufficiently proficient in expressing hell and chaos artistically, I inevitably came to what I was unknowingly gravitating towards. To creating my own artistic technique, which combines painting with drawing and is driven to the utmost shine, precision, and sophistication. Nothing for an artistically undemanding soul.

I owe the idea of the technique’s name to Petr Grambal, as I had been fumbling for a long time while looking for the right name.

What are you looking at?

Foxy Girl a.k.a. The Ginger is the portrait of a girl, where I knew from the beginning I wasn’t going to stick to the model strictly. I borrowed only what I liked of the face and started right away to transform everything according to my own free imagination. To shed a bit of light on how the Brilliantis technique works – five art techniques were combined in this piece: graphite drawing, pen drawing, aquarelle, ink painting, and oil painting. To maintain the permanence and durability of the material, plus to increase the gloss, a varnish finish was also used.

In the year 2021, before the work was put into mounting, minor adjustments were done to improve it.

Progression of the work

editing: Arianne Perrier
web design: Brbla

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