
Grow Sandro Dragoj Web

Price: 1 770 EUR, 1 830 USD, 1 470 GBP

Technique: pen drawing
Size: 420 × 297 mm
Date: 12.12.2013
Supported cryptocurrencies: Bitcoin, Bitcoin CASH, Ethereum, Litecoin, XRP, Cardano, EOS, Tezos, Aave, Maker, Dash, Zcash, MANA, Augur.

Message of the artwork

Controlled growth of a fetus of an inhuman, even bestial nature. The unnatural or unusual child is developing under constant supervision of the demonic forces contained within the walls of the womb.

Artwork in black and white

Technically speaking, the whole artwork is just minute thorough work with pens, emerging from a black and white structure to which a color palette was only added later. As an author, I tried to make the drawing whole and complete while still in black and white, so that a viewer could easily get an idea of my artistic work’s style.

The theme of a defenseless child

As an artist, I often try to emphasize two things. The first one is that something dormant, immortal, and terrifying resides in people. It is a power that seems infernal to us is because we are afraid of our own nature and unwilling to accept it if we are not mature.

The second one, less common, is children and their vulnerability. The Catholic church thinks, for revolting reasons, that without baptism children are doomed to wander endlessly in the underworld. I don’t make much distinction between a child and an adult. Sometimes I think that adulthood is the age between fifteen and twenty-one, when people see everything as very (overly) important, have trouble facing day-to-day situations, and find it hard to feel secure in their individuality. Yet in that human fragility and vulnerability I find an unearthly strength capable of facing everything in this universe. That is what this work is about.

Photographs of the Growth drawing

editing: Arianne Perrier
web design: Brbla

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