Daytime Landscape

Denni Krajina Sandro Dragoj Web

Price: 10 600 EUR, 10 960 USD, 8 820 GBP

Technique: ink drawing
Size: 420 × 297 mm
Date: 2014
Supported cryptocurrencies: Bitcoin, Bitcoin CASH, Ethereum, Litecoin, XRP, Cardano, EOS, Tezos, Aave, Maker, Dash, Zcash, MANA, Augur.

Details of the artwork

Story of the artwork and its origin

“It keeps roasting like in hell,” – I complained about the summer sun, after the night of painting the Depth, as I was trying to fall asleep late in the morning.

The Daytime Landscape is an ink drawing based on a one-off inspiration from a sun-scorched scenery, with a light touch of flesh and bone motifs projected into the omnipresent and unrelenting terror. To this day it is one of my most popular works ever. I judge so by the praise it receives. Paradoxically, despite all the praise and admiration, no one has bought the work yet.

Daytime Landscape – a sonnet

by Sandro Dragoj

The daily hardships seizing all;
Fear never sleeps, it’s always on,
Now matter how irrational.

A yearly nightmare for the hardiest
Cold connoisseurs,
Snow devotees:
Today not getting any.

You can say no for countless times:
In inactivity, the strongest will succumbs,

The sun dissolves the darkness,
Burns it away.
It will unveil the character,
Infusing you,
Reveal it to the bone.
It will seduce you,
Creating a new shadow with its light.

It roasts and burns
With neverending thermonuclear explosion,
Outshining all the darkness of destruction
Created in the depths of one’s grim soul,
Absorbed by the weak self,

In the arid landscape
With the colossal remains scattered,
Despite the inhuman conditions,
Life’s spreading in a manner almost heavenly.

editing: Arianne Perrier
web design: Brbla

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