Price: 850 EUR, 880 USD, 720 GBP
Technique: graphite
Size: 297 × 210 mm
Date: 2010
Supported cryptocurrencies: Bitcoin, Bitcoin CASH, Ethereum, Litecoin, XRP, Cardano, EOS, Tezos, Aave, Maker, Dash, Zcash, MANA, Augur.
Description of the work
This is the final drawing in the collection of three small works which present gradual revelation of darkness in an otherwise beautiful and graceful being. This work remains in my private collection to this day and is available for sale to a serious buyer.
More previews of the drawing
The drawing at
one of the expositions at Dark Velvet café bar
The Rotten Inside III in mounting
Detail of the eyes
Signature detail
editing: Arianne Perrier
web design: Brbla