Snow White Unseen

Sandro Dragoj Snehurka Nepoznana Web

Price: 440 EUR, 460 USD, 370 GBP

Technique: pen drawing
Size approx: 283 × 205 mm
Date: 2013

Simple description

An older sketch of a girl based on a photograph of melancholy drawn in pen. The work is selected from the archive, where I myself wonder that it has survived somewhat my more wild years.

Why this motive?

What caught my attention was a particular form of narcissism, where normally one doesn’t think or think of it as a narcissistic expression. This goes all the way back to the Lilith archetype here, where the individual is suffering from some anxiety that they don’t want to admit to or just can’t process. He identifies with some abnormality of his and begins to give it an unhealthy excess of his attention. Eventually he withdraws into the background and rejects any deepers commitments that don’t fit with the personality he’s built at the expense of the denied inner feelings. Personally, I call this “introverted narcissism”.

The subject is a batch from the internet and in no way related to the train of thought where her photo was by inspiration for my drawing.

web design: Brbla

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