Technique: oil painting
Size: 707 × 500 mm
Date of completion: 2012
Commission art
Story and assignment
An abstract portrait of the client made in the free-creation manner. Accurate similarity to the model, at least in the physical aspect, was not required. However, in terms of capturing the emotional side of the piece I aimed to express as much of my client as possible. No need to hide anything: The client was and is my long-term friend, so this work is also partially a projection of my own thoughts, mannerisms, and personality. I dedicated special attention to capturing the psychical details, or rather powers that the person contains within.
A little curious fact is that the Portrait of Regi was my third completed oil painting. Only the third. Nowadays there are, of course, more of them.
Other previews of the artwork

The works Portrait of Regi and Transformation
on display at Dark Velvet café bar

Portrait of Regi in mounting
editing: Arianne Perrier
web design: Brbla