Great Old One


Price: 710 EUR, 730 USD, 590 GBP

Technique: pen drawing
Size: 297 × 210 mm
Date of completion: 2009
Supported cryptocurrencies: Bitcoin, Bitcoin CASH, Ethereum, Litecoin, XRP, Cardano, EOS, Tezos, Aave, Maker, Dash, Zcash, MANA, Augur.

History and description of the artwork

This drawing is one of the first free-association works and depicts the Great Old One from the unrealized Czech Necronomicon project. The mythos by H. P. Lovecraft, which is the source of this drawing’s theme, features numerous Great Old Ones with various names, such as Yog-Sothoth, Dagon, King in Yellow, and so on. I didn’t aim for likeness of a specific entity but rather let my thoughts flow freely on the Great Old One theme, and this is the result. The drawing was meant to be an illustration for the Czech edition of the Necronomicon, but the author of that emerging book never decided to finish it, so the drawing is now for sale.

Other previews of the artwork

editing: Arianne Perrier
web design: Brbla

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