Demonology in Prague

Demonology In Prague Sandro Dragoj Web

Price: 880 EUR, 910 USD, 740 GBP

Technique: pen drawing
Size: 350 × 250 mm
Date: 2012
Supported cryptocurrencies: Bitcoin, Bitcoin CASH, Ethereum, Litecoin, XRP, Cardano, EOS, Tezos, Aave, Maker, Dash, Zcash, MANA, Augur.

Inspired by the Goetia / Lemegeton grimoire

Goetia/Lemegeton, also known as the demonic grimoire The Lesser Key of Solomon, is based on the myth about the biblical King Solomon who summoned 72 spirits (demons) to help him build his temple. The currently available version of this occult book, as well as its approx. 1700 AD prequel, is probably fictional.

The occult work describes mythical entities originating from all over the then-known civilizations of the ancient world (Phoenix, Ball) and attributes them the role of damnable hell lords, with extensive details including army numbers and ranks (King, Duke, Prince, etc.) of the hell legions. The work is infused with the sense of spiritualism of the time, having been indirectly influenced by the angelic language of Enochian, which is noticeable also in the look of the various demonic seals used in the summoning rituals.

History and description of the work

Previously, I was supposed to illustrate a new edition of Goetia/Lemegeton, but the client who ordered it turned out to be a dishonest swindler. The plan of my participation in the publication was canceled, and for a time I considered publishing my own version of the book. The present drawing was to serve the latter purpose. In the work I portrayed myself along with a likeness of the demon Paimon. It is set in Prague, which is famous for its rich magical and even black-magical ambience.

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editing: Arianne Perrier
web design: Brbla

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