
Sandro Dragoj Demon

Price: 880 EUR, 910 USD, 740 GBP

Technique: pen and graphite drawing – combined technique
Size: 420 × 297 mm
Date of completion: 2012
Supported cryptocurrencies: Bitcoin, Bitcoin CASH, Ethereum, Litecoin, XRP, Cardano, EOS, Tezos, Aave, Maker, Dash, Zcash, MANA, Augur.

History of the artwork

This artwork was originally a commissioned portrait for a client from the time before 2010. I think it was around the years 2007-2008. Back then I was very inexperienced and didn’t know how to negotiate with clients. The person that ordered the portrait didn’t pay anything, even though I put my trust into the agreement and started working on the piece. When it became obvious that the client was not going to follow through with payment, I put the unfinished portrait aside for an indefinite period of time. A few years later, in 2012, I felt sorry for the uncompleted piece and resumed working on it, this time at my own pace and discretion.

editing: Arianne Perrier
web design: Brbla

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